Enhancing the quality of public transport services |
2009 |
רמת שירות, service level |
http://www.civitas-initiative.eu/docs1/CIVITAS_II_Policy_Advice_Notes_11_Public_... |
ESTC Yearbook 2005: Safety and Sustainability |
European Transport Safety Council |
2005 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
http://www.etsc.be/documents/Yearbook_2005.pdf |
European Standard - EN 13816/2002 |
2002 |
Public transportation, Policy and planning in transport, חוקים ותקנות, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה, רמת שירות, service level |
European Union |
http://www.transportbenchmarks.eu/groups/documents/MEETING2-EN13816.pdf |
Evaluating Transportation Equity: Guidance For Incorporating Distributional Impacts in Transportation Planning |
Todd Litman |
2013 |
רמת שירות, service level |
Victoria Transport Policy Institute |
http://www.vtpi.org/equity.pdf |
Fact Finding Study on the legal and contractual basis of passenger rights in urban public transport |
Francesco Sciaudone ,Simona Frazzani |
2012 |
Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית, רמת שירות, service level |
Directorate-General for Transport Brussels, Belgium |
http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/studies/doc/2012-11-fact-finding-stud... |
Fair Shared Cities The Impact of Gender Planning in Europe |
Marion Roberts |
2016 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
https://www.routledge.com/Fair-Shared-Cities-The-Impact-of-Gender-Planning-in-Eu... |
Fast-Tracked: A Tactical Transit Study |
2019 |
תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
The Street Plans Collaboration |
https://issuu.com/streetplanscollaborative/docs/fasttracked_finaldraft_2 |
Gender and mobility: new approaches for informing sustainability |
Susan Hanson |
2010 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09663690903498225 |
2012 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
UN Habitat |
https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/download-manager-files/Gender%20Respon... |
Gender mainstreaming in urban planning and urban development |
Doris Damyanovic, Florian Reinwald, Angela Weikman |
2013 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
https://www.wien.gv.at/stadtentwicklung/studien/pdf/b008358.pdf |
Gendered Perspectives on Swedish Transport Policy-Making: An Issue for Gendered Sustainability Too, Integrating Gender into Transport Planning |
Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist |
2019 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05042-9_4 |
Green Commuting |
2011 |
Commuting and getting to work, יוממות והגעה לעבודה |
sba.gov |
http://www.sba.gov/content/green-commuting |
Guide to flexible working scheme |
Work Wise UK |
2010 |
Commuting and getting to work, יוממות והגעה לעבודה |
http://www.workwiseuk.org/commutesmartweek2011 |
Harassment on public transport and its impacts on women’s travel behaviour |
Natalie Gardner, Jiaqiang Cui, Eddo Coiacetto |
2017 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07293682.2017.1299189?casa_token=5m... |
Health in the green economy |
2011 |
Transport environment and society, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה |
World Health Organization |
hge_transport_lowresdurban_30_11_2011.pdf |
Helping drivers out of their car |
S. G. Stradling, M.L. Meadows, S. Beatty |
2000 |
Policy and planning in transport, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
hani--helping-drivers-out-of-their-car.pdf |
How to Go Green: Commuting |
2008 |
Commuting and getting to work, יוממות והגעה לעבודה |
treehugger.com |
http://www.treehugger.com/htgg/how-to-go-green-commuting-1.html |
How to Make Israel More Pedestrian-Friendly |
Aaron Sholin |
2010 |
Walking |
Transport Today & Tomorrow |
how_to_make_israel_padestrian_friendly.pdf |
Incentives for quick penetration of electric vehicles in five European countries: Perceptions from experts and stakeholders |
Georgina Santos, Davies Huw |
2020 |
Public transportation, תחבורה ציבורית |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965856417311631 |
Incorporating equity considerations into transport planning |
בת חן נחמיאס |
2013 |
Transport environment and society, Policy and planning in transport, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
incorporating_equity_considerations_-_bat_hen_nahmias.pdf |
Instructions: Walking School Bus |
David Engwicht |
2010 |
Walking, הליכה ברגל |
Creative Communities |
https://www.lesstraffic.com/ws-content/uploads/Instruction_Sheet_Walking_School_... |
Instrumental- reasoned and symbolic affective motives for using a motor car |
Linda Steg, Charles Vlek, Goos Slotegraaf |
2001 |
General, כללי |
hani--symbolic-affective-motives-for-using-car-motor.pdf |
Integrated Transport perception and reality |
2010 |
רמת שירות, service level |
Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) |
http://www.passengerfocus.org.uk/research/publications/integrated-transport-perc... |
Integrated transport perceptions and reality |
2010 |
service level, רמת שירות |
Passenger Focus |
integrated_transport_perreality__feb2010.pdf |
Integrating a demand-responsive public transportation service |
Alexandre Blaquire |
2013 |
service level, רמת שירות |
http://www.civitas-initiative.org/index.php?id=79&sel_menu=16&measure_id=214&bac... |
Integrating equity considerations into the Israeli cost-benefit analysis |
Dr. Karel Martens |
2007 |
Transport environment and society, Policy and planning in transport, תחבורה, סביבה וחברה, מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
martens_2007_-_final_guidelines_nohal_prat_03-2007.pdf |
International charter for walking |
1999 |
Walking |
www.walk21.com |
charter_walk21.pdf |
International scan summary report on pedestrian and bicyclist safety and monility |
2009 |
Bicycle, Walking, אופניים, הליכה ברגל |
Federal Highway Administration |
fhwa_report.pdf |
Investing in sustainable urban transport |
2009 |
Public transportation, Transport and the climate change, תחבורה ציבורית, תחבורה ומשבר האקלים |
Global Environment Facility |
investing_in_urban_transportation.pdf |
KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis - About KiM |
2006 |
מדיניות ותכנון תחבורה |
KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis |
https://english.kimnet.nl/about-kim/kim%E2%80%99s-history-and-position |