תוכן לפי תגית: Parking policy

Name Content type Author Yearsort ascending Subject Publisher More info
Response to cash outs for work place parking and work place parking charges פרסום Paul Watters, Margaret O’Mahony, Brian Caulfield 2006 Parking policy, חניה Centre for Transport Research, Trinity College Dublin המשך >
London Congestion Pricing, Implications for Other Cities פרסום Todd Litman 2006 Parking policy, חניה Victoria Transport Policy Institute המשך >
Effects of restrictive parking policy on the development of city centers פרסום Karel Martens 2005 Parking policy, חניה Ministry of Transport המשך >
Modeling the Response to Parking Policy פרסום Yoram Shiftan and Rachel Burd-Eden 2000 Parking policy, חניה המשך >
The Downtown Parking Syndrome: Does Curing the Illness Kill the Patient? פרסום Richard Voith 1998 Parking policy, חניה Business Review. January-February המשך >
Evaluating the effects of cashing out employer- paid parking: Eight case studies פרסום Donald C. Shoup 1997 Parking policy, חניה Transport Policy, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 201-216 המשך >
Transport Policy and the Environment: Six Case Studies פרסום Barde J-P and K. Button (Eds.) 1990 Parking policy, חניה Earthscan, London המשך >


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